All Identifiers

Name Unit Description
EJoystickServiceException Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Base class for all Joystick exceptions

EJoystickUnpluggedException Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Raised if the controller is not available

GetGamolfJoystickService Gamolf.VCL.Joystick


IGamolfJoystickService Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Platform service to access to joystick/gamepad controllers on a computer

MusicLoop Gamolf.FMX.MusicLoop

Return the default instance for the TMusicLoop class

Register Gamolf.FMX.HelpBar


Register Gamolf.RTL.GamepadDetected


Register Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


Register Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Deprecated


score_add u_scores


score_init u_scores


score_liste_get u_scores


SoundList Gamolf.FMX.MusicLoop

Return the default instance for the TSoundList class

TButtonID Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Type for Button ID

TDGEFMXHelpBar Gamolf.FMX.HelpBar

Help bar component

TDGEFMXHelpBarHorzAlign Gamolf.FMX.HelpBar


TDGEFMXHelpBarVertAlign Gamolf.FMX.HelpBar


TDGEGamepad Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Gamepad component

TDGEGamepadDetected Gamolf.RTL.GamepadDetected


TDGEGamepadDetectedDirection Gamolf.RTL.GamepadDetected


TDGEGamepadDetectedPosition Gamolf.RTL.GamepadDetected


TDGEGamepadList Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TDGEGamepadManager Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Gamepad manager component

TGamepad Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Deprecated

DEPRECATED component, use TDGEGamepad

TGamepadDevice Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Gamepad class to access data from each gamepad detected on the system

TGamepadDeviceDict Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TGamepadDevicesManager Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Gamepad manager class, to use as a singleton.

TGamepadManager Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Deprecated

DEPRECATED component, use TDGEGamepadManager

TGamepadManagerList Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TGamolfCustomJoystickService Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Platform service to access to joystick/gamepad controllers on a computer

TGamolfJoystickDirectInputJoyCaps Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.DirectInput.Win


TGamolfJoystickWinDirectInputService Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.DirectInput.Win


TJoystickAxes Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TJoystickAxesHelpers Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers


TJoystickAxesSet Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TJoystickAxesSetHelpers Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers


TJoystickButtons Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

ID for game controllers buttons (when it's know by the API)

TJoystickButtonsHelpers Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers


TJoystickButtonsSet Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TJoystickButtonsSetHelpers Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers


TJoystickDPad Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

DPad standard values (from 0 to 365° and 65535 when not value is selected)

TJoystickDPadHelpers Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers


TJoystickErrorCallbackEvent Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Signature for a callback method used to signal an error for the game controller JoystickID

TJoystickErrorCallbackProc Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Signature for a callback procedure used to signal an error for the game controller JoystickID

TJoystickID Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Type for Joystick ID

TJoystickInfo Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Joystick/gamepad controller datas

TJoystickInfosCallbackEvent Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Signature for a callback method used to get game controller infos

TJoystickInfosCallbackProc Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Signature for a callback procedure used to get game controller infos

TJoystickInfosConnectedCallbackEvent Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Signature for a callback method used to get connected game controller infos

TJoystickInfosConnectedCallbackProc Gamolf.RTL.Joystick

Signature for a callback procedure used to get connected game controller infos

TMusicLoop Gamolf.FMX.MusicLoop

Class to play an individual sound or a music (as background loop or not)

TNotifyProc Gamolf.RTL.UIElements


TOnGamepadAxesChange Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TOnGamepadButtonDown Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TOnGamepadButtonUp Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TOnGamepadDirectionPadChange Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TOnGamepadLost Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TOnNewGamepadDetected Gamolf.RTL.Joystick


TScore Gamolf.RTL.Scores

Score item (user name, points, level and things for Internet synchronization)

TScore u_scores


TScoreList Gamolf.RTL.Scores

Generic list of scores registered for a game (use TScoreList if you don't need the genericity)

TScoreList Gamolf.RTL.Scores

List of scores registered for a game

TScoreListe u_scores


TSoundList Gamolf.FMX.MusicLoop

Class to manage all sounds (or musics) of a game Use it if you want to register sounds once and play them as many time you need

TUIElement Gamolf.RTL.UIElements


TUIElementBounds Gamolf.RTL.UIElements


TUIElementsList Gamolf.RTL.UIElements

TODO : fournir une info indiquant si on a des éléments sur le niveau en cours (avec un cache pour ne pas le recalculer à chaque fois) => calculer le nombre d'éléments disponibles quand on change de niveau => faire un + ou - selon les ajouts/suppressions d'éléments au niveau en cours => ajouter une fonction "hasUIItems()" qui travaille par rapport au nombre d'éléments sur le niveau de layout en cours TODO : ajouter GoToNext / GoToPrevious et la gestion de TAB et Shift+TAB plus un TabOrder sur les éléments du niveau courant (par défaut leur ordre d'ajout à la liste)

TUIKeyShortCut Gamolf.RTL.UIElements


TUIKeyShortCutList Gamolf.RTL.UIElements


TVolumeSonore Gamolf.FMX.MusicLoop

Sound and music volume level

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