All Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Unit | Description |
EJoystickServiceException | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick | Base class for all Joystick exceptions |
EJoystickUnpluggedException | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick | Raised if the controller is not available |
IGamolfJoystickService | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick | Platform service to access to joystick/gamepad controllers on a computer |
TDGEFMXHelpBar | Gamolf.FMX.HelpBar | Help bar component |
TDGEGamepad | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick | Gamepad component |
TDGEGamepadDetected | Gamolf.RTL.GamepadDetected |
TDGEGamepadList | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick |
TDGEGamepadManager | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick | Gamepad manager component |
TGamepad | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Deprecated | DEPRECATED component, use TDGEGamepad |
TGamepadDevice | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick | Gamepad class to access data from each gamepad detected on the system |
TGamepadDeviceDict | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick |
TGamepadDevicesManager | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick | Gamepad manager class, to use as a singleton. |
TGamepadManager | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Deprecated | DEPRECATED component, use TDGEGamepadManager |
TGamepadManagerList | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick |
TGamolfCustomJoystickService | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick | Platform service to access to joystick/gamepad controllers on a computer |
TGamolfJoystickDirectInputJoyCaps | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.DirectInput.Win |
TGamolfJoystickWinDirectInputService | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.DirectInput.Win |
TJoystickAxesHelpers | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers |
TJoystickAxesSetHelpers | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers |
TJoystickButtonsHelpers | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers |
TJoystickButtonsSetHelpers | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers |
TJoystickDPadHelpers | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick.Helpers |
TJoystickInfo | Gamolf.RTL.Joystick | Joystick/gamepad controller datas |
TMusicLoop | Gamolf.FMX.MusicLoop | Class to play an individual sound or a music (as background loop or not) |
TScore | Gamolf.RTL.Scores | Score item (user name, points, level and things for Internet synchronization) |
TScore | u_scores |
TScoreList | Gamolf.RTL.Scores | Generic list of scores registered for a game (use TScoreList if you don't need the genericity) |
TSoundList | Gamolf.FMX.MusicLoop | Class to manage all sounds (or musics) of a game Use it if you want to register sounds once and play them as many time you need |
TUIElement | Gamolf.RTL.UIElements |
TUIElementsList | Gamolf.RTL.UIElements | TODO : fournir une info indiquant si on a des éléments sur le niveau en cours (avec un cache pour ne pas le recalculer à chaque fois) => calculer le nombre d'éléments disponibles quand on change de niveau => faire un + ou - selon les ajouts/suppressions d'éléments au niveau en cours => ajouter une fonction "hasUIItems()" qui travaille par rapport au nombre d'éléments sur le niveau de layout en cours TODO : ajouter GoToNext / GoToPrevious et la gestion de TAB et Shift+TAB plus un TabOrder sur les éléments du niveau courant (par défaut leur ordre d'ajout à la liste) |
TUIKeyShortCut | Gamolf.RTL.UIElements |
TUIKeyShortCutList | Gamolf.RTL.UIElements |
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