Class TGamepadDevicesManager
type TGamepadDevicesManager = class(TInterfacedObject)
Gamepad manager class, to use as a singleton.
- TInterfacedObject
- TGamepadDevicesManager
constructor Create; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
procedure Execute; |
procedure DoNewGamepadDetected(const AGamepadID: integer); |
procedure DoLostGamepad(const AGamepadID: integer); |
procedure DoGamepadDirectionPadChange(const AGamepadID: integer; const AValue: TJoystickDPad); |
procedure DoGamepadAxesChange(const AGamepadID: integer; const AAxe: TJoystickAxes; const AValue: single); |
procedure DoGamepadButtonDown(const AGamepadID: integer; const AButton: TJoystickButtons); |
procedure DoGamepadButtonUp(const AGamepadID: integer; const AButton: TJoystickButtons); |
function IsGamepadConnected(const GamepadID: integer): boolean; |
class constructor Create; |
class destructor Destroy; |
function GetGamepad(const AID: integer): TGamepadDevice; |
Return the gamepad data class
function GamepadCount: integer; |
Count the detected gamepads number (detected or declared in the OS depending on the platform)
function ConnectedGamepadCount: integer; |
Return the connected gamepads number
property IsSupported: boolean read GetIsSupported; |
Check if the gamepad API is available for this platform
property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled; |
Start or stop the gamepad infos check loop
property SynchronizedEvents: boolean read FSynchronizedEvents
write SetSynchronizedEvents; |
Execute events in main thread or in the thread used by the gamepad manager
property OnNewGamepadDetected: TOnNewGamepadDetected
read FOnNewGamepadDetected write SetOnNewGamepadDetected; |
Used when a new gamepad is detected (it should be connected but can be not).
property OnGamepadLost: TOnGamepadLost read FOnGamepadLost
write SetOnGamepadLost; |
To know if a connected gamepad is disconnected from the system or powered off.
property OnGamepadButtonUp: TOnGamepadButtonUp read FOnGamepadButtonUp
write SetOnGamepadButtonUp; |
Called when a gamepad button is up (unpressed)
property OnGamepadButtonDown: TOnGamepadButtonDown read FOnGamepadButtonDown
write SetOnGamepadButtonDown; |
Called when a gamepad button is down (pressed)
property OnGamepadAxesChange: TOnGamepadAxesChange read FOnGamepadAxesChange
write SetOnGamepadAxesChange; |
Called for each new value of a gamepad axe (X,Y or others)
property OnGamepadDirectionPadChange: TOnGamepadDirectionPadChange
read FOnGamepadDirectionPadChange write SetOnGamepadDirectionPadChange; |
Called for each direction change from a gamepad DPAD (if available on it)
property Tag: integer read FTag write SetTag; |
Tag property "in case of" not used in this class
property TagBool: boolean read FTagBool write SetTagBool; |
TagBool property "in case of" not used in this class
property TagFloat: single read FTagFloat write SetTagFloat; |
TagFloat property "in case of" not used in this class
property TagObject: TObject read FTagObject write SetTagObject; |
TagObject property "in case of" not used in this class
property TagString: string read FTagString write SetTagString; |
TagString property "in case of" not used in this class
Delphi Game Engine (c) 2021-2025
Patrick PREMARTIN - Powered by
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