TOneDReader.recordPattern Method

Records the size of successive runs of white and black pixels in a row, starting at a given point. The values are recorded in the given array, and the number of runs recorded is equal to the size of the array. If the row starts on a white pixel at the given start point, then the first count recorded is the run of white pixels starting from that point; likewise it is the count of a run of black pixels if the row begin on a black pixels at that point.

Unit: ZXing.OneD.OneDReader
class function recordPattern(row: IBitArray; start: Integer; counters: TArray<Integer>; numCounters: Integer): Boolean


Type: ZXing.Common.BitArray.IBitArray

row to count from

Type: System.Integer

offset into row to start at

Type: TArray<Integer>

array into which to record counts

Type: System.Integer

Return Value

Type: System.Boolean