TOneDReader.patternMatchVariance Method

Determines how closely a set of observed counts of runs of black/white values matches a given target pattern. This is reported as the ratio of the total variance from the expected pattern proportions across all pattern elements, to the length of the pattern.

Unit: ZXing.OneD.OneDReader
class function patternMatchVariance(counters: TArray<Integer>; pattern: TArray<Integer>; maxIndividualVariance: Integer): Integer


Type: TArray<Integer>

observed counters

Type: TArray<Integer>

expected pattern

Type: System.Integer

The most any counter can differ before we give up

Return Value

Type: System.Integer

ratio of total variance between counters and pattern compared to total pattern size, where the ratio has been multiplied by 256. So, 0 means no variance (perfect match); 256 means the total variance between counters and patterns equals the pattern length, higher values mean even more variance